Saturday, July 08, 2006

We all come to crossroads in our lives where we make decisions to go one way or the other. Sometimes we realize we are at the crossroads and make a conscious decision which way we go, other times we've been at the crossroads and never realized it, blind to the choice we just made.

Those decisions, or lack of them, put us on certain paths in our life. Sometimes the ride is smooth, sometimes bumpy. Often we mistake the smooth ride as the path to be on, when in reality if we had the patience to ride out the rough spots we would be much more fulfilled in our travels.

So here I am.......on "a" path, but not the one taking me where I want to go. I have been spinning my wheels, not using my talents, and wasting time. I've been too 'comfortable'.

I am changing direction, and will blaze a new trail. To do this, I must drop some habits and spend my time more wisely. I have procrastinated long enough on accomplishing some things I want to get done in my life. This leads me to challenge myself to take myself off this path and accomplish more in the next several months than I have in the past five years.

I know what my goals are. I have the motivation. I have the talent. The ingredient to make it happen is ACTION.

My Challenge is get is to position myself on the path of financial independence, not tied to a traditional job, and use my creativity working for me. This is what I want to accomplish by September 13, 2007.

a. Manuscript complete on my novel.
b. Song written and sold.
c. Short aviation book written and sold.
d. Retired.
e. Successful internet business.
f. Successful option trading / licensed agent.
g. Lose 20% of my weight through better eating and exercise.

I plan on using this blog to chronicle my life as the events unfold as I push toward my goals. My next entry will update where I am on the goals to date.

P.S. That's a picture of my girls, Rebecca and Sarah.

P.S.S. If you haven't read the One Minute Millionare yet, it is a must read. I provided a link for you. THIS IS A MUST READ!!!!


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