Sunday, July 16, 2006

Lone Star Engraving

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week and enjoyed some time off this weekend. The weather here in the Houston area has been extremely hot with high humidity.

I referred to Lone Star Engraving in one of my earlier posts. Today I figured out how to use my new camera and have downloaded a couple of pictures. The picture you see here in the blog is a shower door I did for a business associate. He wanted a lighthouse with his anniversary date. This has been one of my bigger projects to date. Soon I'll have my website up and running and will have many more pictures to show.

I have a carved rock listed on for all interested in taking a look. It is the Texas Lone Star carved on limestone. (Searh for "Texas Lone Star Rock).

Soon I'll have much more on EBAY, so keep looking. Sarah will be going to college in a couple of years and it will help towards her tuition. Anyone wanting anything specialty made, please let me know. I'll be glad to help you out.

A friend of mine wanted was interested in a book I recently read, it is the Mutliple Streams of Internet Income by Robert Allen. If anyone is interested in starting an internet business this is a must read. Hit the link I provided, get the book, and get started today with your internet business.

Folks, have a great day......and JUST SAY HELLO!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ASTOUNDING! My gosh, Dave, you are just chock full of hidden talent! Let's just hope they don't break the glass while installing it...


10:35 AM  

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