Sunday, January 05, 2020

Subte Influences

Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.
George Eliot

As I was walking through the neighborhood last week, ahead of me turning the corner going in a different direction away from the route I was on, I saw a young kid walking a dog.  What brought my attention to this particular pair was the dog had some type of device attached to his/her body to help it walk.  A harness with wheels on the back end of the dog.  As I continued to watch the two walk away from me I could clearly see the dogs legs sway side-to-side, for some reason, the poor dog’s leg were not working.My thoughts then shifted away from the dog and I started thinking about the young lad walking it.

I started thinking about the lessons that young guy is learning early in his life……How to love something that is not perfect, something somewhat broken…..How to the be patient……How to be compassionate and caring.

I started thinking about his family.  How they’ve raised a child to be caring and loving…….how they’ve invested their life in this creature and provided a support structure to help it live life to the fullest it can….to be loved.

A happenstance encounter I haven’t stopped thinking of since.  The thought of influence.  The thought of the things in front of us everyday have an influence on us…..more especially so, how we think on those things.   The thought of how others may be watching me, unbeknownst to myself, and how I may be influencing them.  How maybe I need to be more intentional on the things I say and do. 

Fast forward a few days….a few days from this encounter.   

I am on another walkabout and I am walking right toward these two, this time, we’re going to cross paths.  It was a meaningful moment for me because I already spent quite a bit of time thinking of the two.   I stopped the young lad and asked him if I could take a picture of them.  I told him they were an inspiration to see and I wanted a reminder of it.  He said yes.    

I was curious, I asked him what happened to the dog.  He told me he didn’t know, which immediately shocked me, until he continued and told me that his family just got the dog last week.  Which in itself was surprising and then even more so when he then told me they went to Dallas, about 280 miles from here, to go get the dog.   Think about that, how many families are looking for that ‘perfect’ dog…when this family went out of their way to bring this dog home.

A great lesson for me.   Things we may never be aware of are influencing people daily, whether we know it or not.   I bet that family who brought that dog home from Dallas have no clue on how they impacted my thoughts and created a ripple in my life.  

This year, I am working hard to be more aware than ever my actions and their potential to influence.  I will be more intentional of the things I say and do, and create more moments to positively impact another's life.

The dog’s name….Francis.  

Many Blessings to Francis' family!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Challenges We Face

We are not limited by our challenges, we are limited by how we think about our challenges.

How we think about our challenges and goals, how we internalize our thoughts and emotions surrounding them, is often the key to overcoming / achieving them or falling short of those goals or being defeated by those challenges.   Whether those challenges are personal goals, business goals, or dealing with challenging problems with our health, finances, or relationships to name a few, a positive outcome starts with our mindset and how we think about them.  Like Henry Ford said, “Whether you can or think you can’t, you are right.”

Look at a young infant who first learns to walk.  Gets up, falls down. Gets up, falls down.  Gets up, takes a few steps, falls down.  Finally, after repeated trials the child finally learns to walk.  Did the child ever think….’This is too difficult, I’ll just sit the rest of my life.’  Does the wife say to husband after watching their child fall the first few times…. ‘Honey, I don’t think Johnny will ever learn to walk, he just may be too stupid. He must have your family’s genes.’

A child has no sense of can’t.  A child has no thoughts of difficulty.  A child’s mind isn’t corrupted by internal thoughts of inadequacy, prior failures, or being told he or she isn’t fit to be a walker.  They just keep at it and are encouraged to do so.  To get back up and try again.  The parents have all the confidence in the world.  They know it just takes falling down and getting up over and over again,  and in no time, Johnny will be running all around the grocery store.

As we face our challenges we need to be more like the child learning to walk, no thoughts of failure, just naturally staying in the process, continually improving until we master the skill or accomplish the objective.  And like the parents, as managers, leaders, teachers, and coaches,  we need to positively reinforce the efforts, encourage, build confidence, and sometimes prod others back up to help them overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. 

In the movie Balboa, Sylvester Stallone delivers a great motivational line to his son, illustrating to him how he must keep getting up, stay positive, and keep going forward.

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that! I'm always gonna love you, no matter what. No matter what happens. You're my son and you're my blood. You're the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life.”  - Sylvester Stallone, Balboa (If you haven’t seen this movie, watching it for this line is worth it. And if you don’t know about Stallone’s own story and the first Rocky movie, do a little research.)

Don’t quit on yourself or give up on others.  


We are not limited by our challenges, we are limited by how we think about our challenges.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Server

"He profits most who serves best."  
    ~ Arthur F. Sheldon

A rainy New Year’s Eve morning having breakfast at IHOP rekindles thoughts of writing this out, but then at then end of my visit this morning, I am compelled to tell this story.

A few weeks back, at the same IHOP, I ordered a short stack of pancakes, nothing fancy.  When my order was brought to the table the server brought with it hot syrup from the kitchen.  I didn’t ask for it but I thought it was great service.  She could have just let me use my choice of one of the cold syrups on the table.   She checked back and asked if everything was okay, got my check timely, and off I went.

The following week I had a different waitress.  Short stack.  No hot syrup. No how you doing….is everything okay?  Didn’t bring my check and I had to go to register without it.

Those two different encounters had me start thinking about ‘THE SERVER’ versus ‘THE WAITER’. 
The waiter waits tables.   Takes an order.  Delivers your order.  Mechanically going through the motions. No personal connection. No thinking ahead.

The Server serves people. They are there to greet, connect with you, make it an experience you enjoy. The Server will ensure your order is well prepared and complete. Their heart and mind is in what they do. They are thinking ahead, trying to predict what the customer may need. They care!

Then my thoughts turned internal, me, my life.  Am I a waiter or server?   Do I wait on others, or go through the motions?  How does my family see me?  Friends?  Co-workers?  Are they getting all of me or just a superficial me?

How does God see me?  Am i going through the motions?  Am I serving God?

This morning was my third time back, and my Server (same from the first week) brought me coffee and I ordered a short stack.  Told her today was I holding off on the meat….need to start watching what I eat.  She quickly came back and asked, ‘Want Harvest Grain pancakes and light syrup?’  

 I responded, ‘Don’t think I am going that far yet.’    Got a little chuckle out of her.

She brought me the pancakes with the little scoop of butter on top and asked, ‘Is that too much butter?’    Again she was wanted to be sure everything was as I wanted it.

‘That is fine.’  I responded and carried on with reading a book and eating.

And then there it is….in this book I am reading I hit a section on being a SERVANT and the SERVER v. WAITER thought hits me even harder, so I grab my napkin and start writing some thoughts.  Then I say to myself before I leave I really need to tell her how good of of a job she does.

The restaurant started to get busy, the check was already on the table, and I didn’t think I’d get the opportunity to commend her on how well she serves her customers.  I was sadly going to miss this opportunity to really thank her.

As I was paying a young lady at the register, my SERVER pops up behind me and asks if I wanted any coffee to go.   WOW!!   That moment just presented itself……coincidence?

I then went on and told her how great of a job she does and how she is different than those who wait tables.  

She tells me, ‘I love what I do.  I’ve had other jobs, I’ve worked in a refinery, but I really like what I do.   I try to treat everyone the best I can and I hope to have repeat customers.’


I said goodbye and as I was walking out the young cashier looked at me with shock in her eyes as if she never heard that kind of conversation before. Hopefully it was a life lesson to her.

I jumped in my car and the tears just started flowing - can’t really say why.   All I know is I had a hard time driving the next quarter of a mile due to the visibility and it wasn’t the rain.  All I could do is thank God for what just happened.   

I am glad I didn’t write this out two weeks ago.  This morning listening her tell me how much she loved what she was what she ended up with SERVING me. She reminded me all good things come from the heart and are seeded with love.  Her heart is beautiful, and her beauty comes out in SERVING. 

I must be more SERVING!    Maybe those tears were guilt and God was softening my heart.  Maybe nothing is a coincidence!!

SERVE ONE ANOTHER!!!  Let us in 2017 peel back layers of hardships, hurt feelings, tough upbringings and open up to love and serve one another, and I believe we all will be seeing amazing things happen in our lives.

One more thing…..take care of those who SERVE you and let them know.  And if they take tips, tip them well!!!

God Bless You All!!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Fisher of Men

And He said unto them, Follow Me, and I will make You fishers of Men.  - King James Bible

It was the 4th of July.  I was up early that Saturday morning to get some pictures at Sylvan Beach in La Porte hoping to capture some shots that would be used in a soon to be published La Porte Chamber of Commerce directory.  I was hoping for a spectacular sunrise with the Sylvan Beach fishing pier in the foreground.

It was a little after 5am, and with the sunrise at 6:26am, I had plenty of time to find the spot I thought would give me the best angle.  I was anxious, and hopeful, to capture something special.

To my disappointment, when I arrived at the park gate to the pier, there was a long line of trucks with trailered boats to get in.  The gate was locked.  With another boat ramp just to the west, I decided to see if that one was open.  Gladly, I found it open, headed in and parked.  My objective was to find a way to walk along the shore around the fence to the fishing pier.

In the dark of the morning, I walked across the grass headed to the bay’s shore. The banks were heavily reinforced with large rocks and a long fence line prevented me from getting to where I wanted to go.  So I turned back and would figure out what to do next as I waited for the park gate to open.

As I made my way back to the my vehicle, off to the right in the darkness was a person sleeping on a  concrete picnic bench.  I immediately assumed it was a homeless person, as there were two shopping carts full of ’stuff’ alongside the bench of the picnic table.  

I was somewhat taken back with myself with not noticing him as I first walked in.

As I was starting to pull away, I thought about going back to the McDonald’s I passed about 1/2 mile away and picking up some breakfast and leaving it for him. I talked myself out of doing that and headed over to see if the pier had opened.

I then caught myself and thought, “Hey, God put that thought in your head to get that person some food, just do it.”   So, I headed over to McDonalds and ordered two medium coffees, two sausage and egg McMuffins, and an orange juice.  I’d only have a coffee.

As I drove over to deliver the breakfast, I thought about what kind of encounter I may have with this person. Always cautious, I did have some concerns.  I also thought wouldn’t it be weird if I knew this person and could I have been partially responsible for that person being homeless.  ‘Could it be someone who use to work with us I let go in the past.”  My conscience was working hard.

I pulled in, stopped my vehicle, grabbed the tray with the coffee, juice and bag of breakfast sandwiches and walked over to leave them.  As I got within 15 feet or so, I could only tell the person had their head covered and were facing away, somewhat sleeping in a half fetal position.  In a moderate tone, I said “Good Morning, I have some breakfast, for you.”  I wanted to somewhat give a warning I was coming and not cause alarm.

As I was placing them down on the bench, the only thing not covered that I could see was light brown long wavy hair, and I assumed it was a woman.   Then in a soft, tender,  tone, with her face away from me, from under the covers she simply said “Thank You”.   She never moved.

I turned around and never looked back. I felt like somewhat I intruded on her and hoped she could get back to sleep if I had waked her.  

As I drove away I was overcome with emotion and tears started flowing down my eyes.   She sounded as young as one of my daughters, and my heart felt for her.  I prayed for her.  I thanked God for sending me there and I only hoped I could do more.  I thanked God my daughter’s don’t have the struggles this young lady has.

As I look back, it was in search of something I was looking for, and didn’t find, I only was able to see something more worthwhile.  And although I didn’t capture that spectacular sunrise that morning, I was able to give something away - it wasn’t the breakfast, but it was the love of God and through that, I felt thankful and blessed.  No shot I take will ever capture that.  

Saturday, May 09, 2015

A Mother's Moment

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” 
- William Arthur Ward

"Mommy, can you straighten my bow please?" the voice coming from behind me I could tell was a little girl.  I turned to looked, and she was sitting two rows behind me waiting for the pre-game festivities to begin.  She was anxious.  It was Lil' Sis Day at Dot Hicks Field in Huntington, WV where the Marshall University Thundering Herd softball players would be introduced with their Lil' Sisters, young girls they have formed a close relationship over the last several months as part of a community mentoring program.

I looked back to the field, and there as well, the young women on the Herd softball team were straightening their caps, repositioning their headbands, and tightening their bows as well.   It was an important day with an important series against a confident rival, Florida Atlantic University, lead by legendary Joan Joyce.  But first - the Lil Sis introductions…to some…more important.

The stands began to empty, Mom's and Dad's began to take their little girls out to the field.  All of them had a uniform on, one they wore as part of their local softball team.  Some of these girls weren't much bigger than a bat you or I'd would swing, but they had their start in softball and they loved it.  And they loved this day when they got to go onto the beautiful field with their Big Sis' and the Marshall softball coaches and organization.  This is the big their big time!

It was a special moment to be there and watch, and feel, the experience.  But it wasn't until I returned home and went through some of the pictures I took that i would truly understand what I was experiencing.  The joy in these girls faces and they got called out onto the field….the affection displayed as the Big Sis' and Lil Sis' would hold one another's hand as they were preparing to jog up as their names were called.  Their smiles, their eyes…no sounds needed….you can see the joy.

I am so proud of the Marshall University Softball program for the time and effort that everyone puts into this - a wonderful program that may impact a young girl more than anything else at this stage in her life.   Developing relationships, getting encouragement through role models, building self-esteem and building dreams are just a small part of the experience….for both Big Sis and Lil Sis.   Priceless moments some may not understand unless they take the time to reflect on how meaningful those relationships and experiences are and will be.

One day, years from now, when a little girl has her bow in her hair ready to go out to the ballpark, I can hear her mother say, "Hey, come here, let me straighten you bow. You look so pretty!" …. because she was that little girl once.

(Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers out there!   Happy Mother's Day Mom…….Happy Mother's Day Lori……Happy Mother's Day Coach Stanton)

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Found by the Beacon

What we do see depends mainly on what we look for. ... In the same field the farmer will notice the crop, the geologists the fossils, botanists the flowers, artists the colouring, sportmen the cover for the game. Though we may all look at the same things, it does not all follow that we should see them.” 
 - John Lubbock, The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live In

It was still very dark that Sunday morning when I left the house headed for Bolivar Peninsula to take pictures of the lighthouse just across the channel that allows the Gulf of Mexico to open into Galveston Bay.  I usually like to scope new territory during the daylight before I head out during the early morning hours but I was up early and getting a shot of that lighthouse was something I put off for a while and wanted to head that way.

After getting there, driving in circles to find a spot I liked, and wishing I walked on water to shot from spots I liked more, my morning shoot of the lighthouse was over, the sun had risen and it was time to move to another location.  I started to head to Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.

The sun came in and out of a mostly cloudy sky and I was hoping for mostly sun to allow for me to have better light to shoot in.  As I was driving I noticed a haze outside that reduced the visibility some and it was a little concerning I was driving about another hour away and the conditions outside weren't that great.  The haze surprised me as I didn't think the humidity was that bad that morning but at times we'll get smoke smoke from farmers burning fields, sometimes as far south as Mexico, so I just assumed it was smoke causing the haze.

It took me a while to think that maybe it was my windshields, so I pushed the windshield washer button on my steering control controller and amazing in a few seconds the haze was gone and my vision was clear. 

I started to think about it in a different way and how sometimes what we think is the issue, isn't really the issue.  Sometimes what concerns us in life is related more to how we are looking at them than how they really are - our vision tainted a little.

During my drive it was a slow transition from the dark to the daylight and not recognizing that my vision was distorted I accepted what I was seeing and thought the problem was outside my control. I couldn't see the real issue, but it was there.

I have been driving in life for a long time.  We all have some time under our belts.  As we look ahead we may only be seeing as clear as we have been conditioned, and don't realize that our vision could be clearer if we had one of those wipers to wipe away that 'hazy film'.

I know through that little episode driving that early Sunday morning it has made me realize that not everything I think about may be clear, that maybe over time my thinking has become clouded, and my perceptions are just that…they are mine.

So with that said, today I try to think about why I have certain beliefs, act the way I do, and feel about things the way I do.  To see things clearer I need to begin force myself to look at people, events, and circumstances differently and question if I have clarity and challenge myself.

I don't know if much of me will change…..but I am not opposed to it….if the wipers make me see it differently.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

A Pelican Inspiration

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

in·spi·ra·tion noun \ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spi-\
: something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
: a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something
: a good idea

1 a :  a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation

b :  the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions

c :  the act of influencing or suggesting opinions

2 :  the act of drawing in; specifically :  the drawing of air into the lungs

3 a :  the quality or state of being inspired

b :  something that is inspired inspiration

4 :  an inspiring agent or influence

This morning it hit me again.  A chain of events that built up to an inspirational experience I could only think there was a master plan guiding my thoughts and actions this morning.

It started at 4:40 a.m.  I woke up and contemplated whether I'll go out and take pictures this morning.  Thinking I would, I got out of bed, gathered my camera gear, and put it all in my car to allow the lenses to 'warm up' so they didn't fog up as I shot the morning sunrise by the bay.  Fourty-five minutes later I decided I wasn't going to go, then changed my mind as if a force was pushing me to rush out the door.

Before the sunrise their was a unique glow above where the sun would rise, something I have never seen before.  Soon after the sun had risen over the horizon, a brown pelican landed atop a pylon aligned with the sunrise.  I switched from one camera with a wide-angle lens to another with more zoom.  Trying to get that 'perfect' shot I stayed patiently focused on it trying to get the right composition.  In just a few minutes, several groups of pelicans began to fly by, some working hard diving for an early feeding, others just passing in groups of two or more transitioning from south to north following the shoreline.  

"Why was this pelican alone I thought?" I thought to myself.  I then began to reflect upon myself, thoughts of solitude, peace, and quieting the mind to allow for introspection and reflection.

It was 6:58am, the sun was now high above the horizon, and time to make my next move.  Where would I go?   Process the images I already captured?  Head down the road to another of my usual spots?  Go out for breakfast?

I decided to head out for breakfast to a local place close to home.

It was a few minutes after 7:00am when I walked in.  There was a couple on the right and an older gentleman there to my left who I recognized from a few years ago when I was a regular at what was once known as Fred's Grill.  He was always there with his wife.  The last two infrequent visits I made to this restaurant he was alone both times.  I wondered if she passed. I was saddened by the thought of it.

I was kindly greeted by the waiter to be seated.  I hesitated to select my chair.  I normally sat facing looking out the plate glass windows but today I decided to face inward toward the counter.  The waiter politely placed a menu in front of me and said he'd get back to me.  It was a sign already that I may be experiencing poor service.  With only three other folks there, you'd expect to get your coffee order in as you were seated and given a menu.  

It took several minutes, but he finally made it over for my coffee order, then swung over to the couple and took their order.  Before taking the older gentleman's order he went back to the grill to place the couple's order. I started to think with all this back and forth he'd never get to mine. In his hustle of activity I could see he could use some coaching on how to take advantage of his time moving across the floor to serve his customers.  I started to pay attention to the entire experience as I thought about critiquing the restaurant online.

I Googled the restaurant to read reviews as the wait seemed to get a little long for only four people.  As I was reviewing comments another young gentleman who wasn't the waiter came around to refill coffee, starting with the couple.  Not making out the entire conversation, what I thought I heard the young man say to a question about when their breakfast would be served was somewhat of an apology for the morning starting slow because he and his wife who owned the place lived an hour away. Having worked in a restaurant for a few years, I knew what may have been some of the issue as it takes time for a grill to heat up to be ready to start cooking.   I took it as an excuse and it added to a negative customer experience.  My mind was telling me if you own a restaurant that opens at 7:00am folks coming in don't want to order at 7:05am and have it come out at 7:30am, especially if folks have a time constraint or just impatient as I tend to be.

I then decided to download the Apps for TripAdvisor and Yelp to write a review before my experience was complete.  In doing so, my iPhone prompted whether I wanted to update all my Apps and I clicked Update All.   My iPhone was locked up for a while.  I couldn't write the Review yet.

Three timely coffee later the food came out bang, bang, bang in the order they were taken and I presume the order we came in.

As I started to eat my three eggs over medium and two sausage patties, which were cooked perfect, I started to ask myself why was I thinking about writing a negative review on what started poor service.  I started thinking my experience is my experience and how I react to it may or may not be how someone else reacts to it.   So, maybe I wouldn't write the review. Maybe it would be a disservice to the owners to put that out publicly.  I have always been someone who when service is great I let the owner / manager know, and when service is poor, I let them know as well.  I decided not to.

As I continued to eat I saw the owner walk around the back wall with a book in his hand and start to write on the chalkboard where all the Specials were posted.  I immediately thought it was kind of weird he'd be writing a special that came out of a book.  After seeing the first few words, I knew it wasn't a special but a message.  He wrote:

"For this reason I am telling you for in prayer, BELIEVE that it is granted to you, and you will."  Mark 11:24

After I read it I Googled Mark 11:24 to verify the accuracy of it.  The NIV version is:

24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Just a few minutes after he wrote it he came around to see who needed refills on their coffee.  As he came by my table I asked him what that quote meant to him as I told him it's easy to write a quote from the bible but to process it internally is wholly different.  He spoke from his heart and witnessed to me as he spoke.  He carried the spirit deep from within his soul through his words.  

That's when it hit me……I was meant to be there.   Not wanting to go out…..feeling pushed to go……a special glow in the horizon before sunrise…..the solitude pelican……sitting facing inward and not outward….questioning my being critical….reading a message…..asking a question……listening……and reflecting.   Like pieces of a puzzle being arranged to see something, feel something and to be inspired by something.  I believe it was all meant to be.  Not being directed, but being guided….the choices are made clear.

The more we open our heart the more our eyes will see.  Life becomes more visible when we let the vibration that is around us fill us.  

Let the spirit in.  

Live it.

As for Mark 11:24 - Study it. Reflect on it. Practice it!  Let it change your life.   I'll leave my story how it changed mine for another day.

God Bless!