Saturday, July 29, 2006


For most of us, inner peace is something we all desire. It's getting to that place where our minds are quiet. As I continue on my Challenge, which now I have come to realize it is my path to inner piece, I have come across an interesting perspective on the 'secret to achieving inner peace'.

In Hyrum W. Smith's book The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management he writes, "The secret to achieving inner peace lies in understanding our inner core values - those things in our lives that our most important to us - and then seeing that they are reflected in the daily events of our lives." He continues, "In other words, doing a better job at managing our time is meaningless ulness we are managing it to accomplish those things that are of greatest importance in our lives."

As I read this about midnight last night, I began to simply reflect on this quote. Since I have been doing some goal setting and detailing what I would really do with my time if I had the financial freedom to do it, I began looking back and beginning to understand why I have been struggling with attaining inner peace in my life. Where I want to go and what I have been doing with the free time I have not been CONGRUENT. I capitalize congruent because I believe living a congruent life is key to success. Let's substitute harmony, harmonious for congruent and you'll know what I mean.

Dave's Incongruency.....Example: I love to play golf. I love the competition of golf. But golfing is not helping me achieve my goals. Golf, as much as I love to play, is not helping me get to where I am going and make a difference. So, my time spent golf is not congruent with my goals. In actuality, I add more stress to my life by playing golf and not effectively using my time. Since I started The Challenge, I have cut back playing to one day a week and will cut that back further.

I imagine all us have our escapes from 'reality'; happy hour, TV, movies, gambling, etc. And for those who have everything they want and have their inner piece, congratulations. For those of us who 'escape' to these places, we will constantly struggle for true happiness.

What are your dreams? Values? Is your time spent congruent with what your want in this life?


Ben Stein, you know, from the show Win Ben Stein's Money, wrote a very compelling article I read earlier this week. The article was THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU'LL EVER MAKE.
Thinking I was going to read about stocks, etc. I read an article about how an organization is trying to help families of deceased veterans with their financial affairs. Lori and I have made a donation to this group and I encourage all you out there to please read Ben Stein's article at After you read the article visit the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) at


The pineapple, a symbol of hospitality, is my feature picture for this blog. I want everyone to know they are always welcome to my home and in my life. Please say hello! Email me, call me, send me smoke signals. And please, visit us when you get a chance.

With Open Arms,


p.s. Lost 10 pounds since I started The Challenge!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 10 pounds! How is life Post-HydroChem? Lisa

3:04 PM  

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