A Simple Act of Love

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." ---Fenderx Morrie Schwartz
A Simple Act of Love
Sometimes it takes the simplest things to help put your life in perspective.
A few weeks ago while on vacation in Connecticut visiting my family my sister gave me a small wrapped gift. I opened it and it was a framed picture. The picture was taken I’d guess in 1968 or so on Wainwright Drive in New Britain, Ct during one of our visits to our grandparents.
Beth in the center, with my brother Paul and I sitting on the top of a Buick with bags of candy in our hands. So simple, the three of us together.
When she gave it to me tears swelled up in my eyes. A small gift, my sister saying I love you Dave, you’re still important to me. Guilt and remorse overcame me as I felt the distance I had allowed to build up in our relationship.
It made me think how over the past decades life has hardened me some, as it does others. Disappointments, rejection, mistakes, failures, and problems of the day. Worried more about tomorrow than enjoying the moment. Taking for granted what a great family I have and not communicating more regularly and sharing the love I have for them. Not happy enough with the success I have achieved.
One picture led me to go through all those I had at home when I got back to Texas. Seventeen years since Sarah was born and thirteen since Rebecca came into our lives. Where has the time gone, what did I miss?
The blur of my life is getting in focus, like a movie on fast forward starting to slow down enough where you can make sense of the story. The funny thing is I didn’t realize I was living a blur.
There is a lot more left ahead, in my life and yours, so why not take it in the slowest speed we can to enjoy the most out of it.
Changing perspective momentarily is easy, living it more difficult. I’ll keep looking at that picture to help me with those priorities.
Thanks Beth. I Love You.
NOTE: Lori read the blog and she shared with me this song I never heard of before which is very pertinent to this entry.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=p4ySSg4QG8g
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