A Pair of Socks

“If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
Mother Teresa
A few Christmas' ago, when Rebecca was still in elementary school, Lori volunteered to help a low income area neighboring community school raise Christmas gifts for kids in the same grade as Rebecca. The school had the kids fill out their 'list' of what they would like for Christmas and it was then provided to Lori for her and her team of volunteers to try and fill.
Every Christmas I can't help think back a couple of things on that list. One girl asked for a new pair of socks. Another asked for a bed. Yeah, a pair socks. Imagine that?
Those are those moments in your life that make you stop and think. Think to be thankful, and think that there are people out there struggling. With today's economic slowdown I know there are people out there with needs, maybe even struggling to feed their family this Christmas.
I CHALLENGE myself, and my family, to do something this season that will help someone or a family in need directly and indirectly. To open our eyes, ears, arms, minds, and hearts to those in need.
If only a pair of socks can brighten a child's day, I should be able at least to brighten their holiday season.
Labels: charity, christmas, faith, giving, hope, love, mother teresa
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