
“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.” - Kevin Arnold
Have you ever had a moment where out of the blue a memory from the past has come to you mind initiated by an external stimulus?
A song, perfume, cologne? The cool brisk morning temperature reminding you of going to school? Looking at a pile of leaves and remember playing in them? The smell of a turkey cooking and reminders of days when all you family was around?
Instantaneous recall of events which are tied to our senses.
Do you have them? I do, and it seems the memories that come back to me are always good ones. And I wonder if other people are affected the same way. I wonder if we are designed for happiness and our minds ability to recall pleasant events is a way of releasing endorphins to pick our attitudes up and keep our thinking in a positive light.
In a world where are constantly bombarded by negative events in the media, and listen to chronic complaints from others of how bad things are or how mistreated they are our how unfair life is, I believe our mind is trying to tell us that life is good and enjoy the moment. One day, not too far down the road, today will be the past, and that song, smell, or other memory recalling event will trigger a thought….I want that thought to be as good as the one’s I have now.
Focus on staying positive and enjoying NOW! Live…really live!!
Good memories being made watch Rebecca's Volleyball team play well.........
Labels: dave myslenski, memories
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