"Run it Out!"

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” Gail Devers
It was about 8pm in early March as I was leaving my daughter’s softball game at Clear Lake High School when I suddenly stopped in my tracks at the site of an unknown high school athlete that started a flood of thoughts. Across the street, just outside the running track was a high school athlete practicing the pole vault in the dark with only the light of a street lamp. The thought of this kids dedication to get better and practice at a late hour after school in the dark impressed me deeply. How could this kid not achieve his goals in life with a work effort like he displayed and a cool breezing night, alone, with only himself, the pole, and the goal to improve his abilities?
On the drive home, and hours afterward, the thoughts of this kid, his determination, and how it relates to being successful in life made me think about how some of us are fortunate enough to be exposed to certain events early in life that stay with us and help us realize our potential.
On the baseball field, I can’t tell you how many times I was told to ‘run it out’. Whether it was a sharp ground ball back to the pitcher with the chances of making it safely to first minimal, or a slow grounder to short where you had the chance to beat it out for a single, it was always drilled in me to ‘run it out’. Run you fastest, no soft jogs, give it your best with the hopes something will happen in the play which will allow you to make it safely to first.
‘Run it out’, ‘practice as if you were playing’, ‘visualize success’ are common themes that condition athletes minds for success. These are the thoughts that separate those who realize their capabilies from those who seem not to get anywhere in life.
As we look at ourselves, our co-workers, family members and friends, the effort we see people put in what they do is sometimes pretty evident in where they are at. There are those who feel like they are accomplishing goals, while others are somewhat miserable wondering how to get from here to there. The answer lies within each person’s decision to ‘run it out’ or lightly jog down to first base if you think out automatically. It’s in the effort; the continued unceasing effort.
I will never forget that image of the lonely teenager practicing the pole vault on a cool chilly night with only the light of a nearby street light. It stirs the memory and emotions of ‘desire’ and ‘giving it all you got’. It’s about the passion to do you best, improve, and improve from there. Whether it’s improving a relationship, business, or other personal goals, if you don’t learn to ‘run it out’ you’ll watch the game.
Labels: determination, effort, motivation, success
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