Sunday, December 01, 2013

Love Doesn't Separate

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." - Judy Garland

 She was a thin young girl about 11, with long stringy blonde hair, silver framed oval shaped glasses, warmly dressed with a large pink backpack on her shoulders. She showed little emotion, stoic in a way. Traveling back to Seabrook after Thanksgiving, as I stood in line to board a Southwest flight at Bradley Airport, she was there with her mother, waiting in the pre-board area.

With the lanyard around her neck with the blue sleeved identification, I knew she was traveling alone with her mother by hear side to see her off. I watched the young girl go though the next several days on her fingers, counting them, and I could barely hear her say 23 days to her Mom….maybe she was counting when she'd be back for the Christmas holiday.

I watched, as I knew they would soon say their goodbye's. The pre-boards were called, the Southwest attendant asked the girl and her mom for the boarding pass, and the final goodbyes began. A long embrace, with the mom facing toward me I was able to see the tears streaming down her face. Another goodbye, and off to board the plane the young girl went. The mom immediately sat down as if her legs were weakened and could no longer keep her up. Sobs began as she stared out the window……something I've see far too often as I travel through the airports.

She was there sitting in a window seat, and I took the aisle seat with nobody between us. A short flight to Baltimore, as I saw the young girl out of the corner of my eye, I couldn't help but think of what she was going through inside. I wanted to say something…but didn't. I wanted to tell her, "Love doesn't separate."

At the same time I was boarding, my youngest daughter Rebecca was getting on a plane 1,500 miles away, headed back to Marshall University in Huntington, WV. I thought about the young girl and mom who I saw say their goodbyes knowing that Lori and Rebecca were having their moments shedding tears, but I was comforted knowing "Love doesn't separate."

And there I was, just leaving my parents, brothers and sisters that morning, not knowing when I'd be back, not knowing when we'd be together again, only knowing, "Love doesn't separate."

The embrace, the kiss, the tears are manifestations of love, love which transcends the physical, and is inseparable; a bond which can't be seen. It's all around us, all through us, and it's up to each of us to open ourselves to it. Feel what you can't touch. "Love doesn't separate." I wanted to tell her. "I had seen it in her hug and I saw it in her tears. She loves you."

Surely is the season.....don't let the chaos of it get in the way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Dave.. I needed that. Kevin H.

7:25 AM  

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