
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
If we look back at the past few minutes of our lives, or even the past several days, it doesn’t seem too significant. Time’s passage hits us a whole lot harder as we look back over the years and reflect on our lives. The impact we made on others and ourselves.
Not being there for a significant event, saying the wrong thing, not saying anything at all;
not lending someone a hand, breaking a promise, breaking a heart;
forgetting to send a card, not sending a card, not making that call;
Moving away, staying away, maybe sometimes just getting in the way;
Taking a wrong path, not finishing what you started, not even starting.
Regrets we all have a few I am sure, and the test of time helps raise ‘regrets’ ugly head. What I didn’t do yesterday or last week doesn’t seem too significant until I add all those days and weeks up and ask myself how could you let so much time go by and accomplish so much which is so meaningless.
Meaningless may seem like a strong word, but what one accomplishes with God’s given ability is truly the measurement.
A lot of reflection. A search for a better understanding. The path forward, the past I will create will be different than the past I have left behind. More purpose in what I do, what I say, and how I think. Seek others that need a lift and extend my hand. My mission….my purpose.
We don’t need to be slaves of the past—slaves to our habits, regrets, inhibitions, or prejudices. For whatever time left we have to make a difference upon one another, we have the key to break the chains, fulfil our purpose.
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