Saturday, August 12, 2006



The number of seconds in a day: eighty-six thousand four hundred. It seems like a lot doesn’t it, but oh how does it fly. As each second ticks bye it’s gone forever. Those seconds have become minutes, hours, days, months, years, and in my life decades. WOW!

How much do we value these seconds? Interesting question, so let me put it this way. On a piece of paper, or in your mind I want you to come up with a date. The date I want you to come up with is the day you think you will die.

Okay, now you are thinking ‘man is David going nuts’! What a stupid question! It can’t be answered. The sad part about it is we don’t know if we will die today, tomorrow, a month from now, or years from now. We live life like we have all the time in the world and in reality we may have a fraction left. We just don’t know.

We all have had family or friends killed in freak accidents or die soon after cancer diagnosis and most all of us don’t value time like we should.

I asked myself, Dave, if you had one day left to live, what would that day be like. Money no object. So, I could go see the Egyptian Pyramids (one of my dreams), or do whatever I want. My perfect day would be getting my father, brother, uncles, brother-in-laws, cousins, and friends who golfed in an early morning golf outing then all go to one of my sisters houses for a big old fashioned family bar-b-que where we are all spending time together, playing wiffle ball, cards, horseshoes, eating, etc. At the end of the day we would have a bunch of fireworks and watch the kid’s roast marshmallows. Pretty simple isn’t it.

I read where the average father spends 7-minutes in one-on-one conversation with their children per week. This hit me at the core. Because I knew I haven’t been spending enough time myself. If I am not conversing with my kids, I am not teaching. So, I’ve picked it up a few notches there.

Have I squandered a bunch of time in my life? You bet. Have I learned a lot of lessons in life? Yep. Am I going to take the lessons I learned, employ them in my own life and share with others, including my children. Absolutely!

We all have powerful stories to tell lessons learned to be shared and limited time ahead of us. Let’s make most of our time left together in sharing, achieving, praising, encouraging, laughing, and loving.

DON’T LET ANYTHING, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G, hold you back from your goals and dreams. Yesterday is gone!!! Get pumped up you’re alive!!

Next time I’ll tell the story how a good friend of mine here made $1,000,000 in four-years.


Looks like I will head up to Baltimore the weekend before Thanksgiving, spend some time at Paul’s then head up to Connecticut with him. I am hoping to see my good friends in New Hampshire, Rick, Mike and Carol (if they’re available) around Thanksgiving.
p.s. My door is still open. COME VISIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is nice and HOT down here!!!!!

Picture: Rebecca on 8/12/06. She’ll be turning 12 on September 2nd. Sarah’s coming up on the 23rd of this month (Sweet 16)


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