When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people. – Abraham Joshua Heschel
The quotation as the lead in was one of the Quotes of the Day I had sent out last week. The reason I had picked that particular quote is, ‘it kind of hit me.’ As part of re-inventing myself, I have been working on my version of Random Acts of Kindness, helping others, being a kinder person. On my goals card, I have written what I’d like to be 5-years from now that I’m not right now…two of my five answers are more loving and more giving.
Last Thursday I was having dinner with a friend of mine in a fairly nice restaurant. There were not many people in there, and a group of four was seated near our table. A gentleman, I’d guess in his fifties was seated where he was facing me. As the waitress approached his table and greeted them, he smiled and greeted her back with an extremely engaging smile and pleasant hello and asked a couple of questions. He did this in such a “deep-down nice” manner I immediately thought about the quote I had sent out earlier in the week.
A year ago, two years ago…..I probably would have never noticed. Today I do.
Turning 44 last week I see myself in the middle of a journey. The middle of my growth, hopefully understanding and knowing only half of what I know today.
As each day goes by, my intention is to be a little more loving, a little more giving, a little nicer and a little wiser.
In doing this, I intent to isolate each moment and enjoy it. And though this process I will explain my revelations to my children, so they may realize these learnings earlier in their life. But like the quote I sent Friday, “Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught” I realize my girls will have to experience some things…and struggle through some….before they really ever understand.
Through this “isolation of moments” I will accomplish a few things. I will feel less rushed…more relaxed. I will be more productive….with a clear focus and concentration. I will be more engaged and open to those around me….giving them my attention. And in ‘being in the moment’ I will be more receptive to others.
And to sum it up with a quote, I’ll use this one……
“I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
Stephan Grellet
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