My Daughter's Thoughts

Sometimes life brings you pleasant surprises. Moments that hit you in the heart.
This morning, about 6am as I was getting ready for work, I went to get my laptop out of the theater room. On the table I saw some paper with a lot of handwriting. I read it. It was Sarah, writing some thoughts after she read my blog. The rest is hers.
Guardian Angels
We all want to say we have someone watching over us, protecting us. But do we believe it?
I think we will all discover we have one in our lives at some time or another. Whether you're sitting in church deciding God is yours or if you're like me reading a certain blog about a dear old friend. I think the reason we look for guardian angels is because we want to know we have someone on our side one-hundred percent of the time. In our minds we think this person will not judge us. They will give us the extra push and confidence we need because we think our angel is beside us to pick us up and brush the dirt off our knees when we fall.
When I was looking at the picture of Mr. Lema and myself, a wave of emotions came over me. Obviously I was very sad at first but then I began thinking about all the amazing times I had with him and will never forget. It would all start, a group of my cousins and I would venture next door to visit him. He would give us popsicles and slowly they would leave but I would always stay waiting for just one more story. He always had the coolest things to say. After everyone left he would pull out the donuts or muffins and tel me to 'keep it our little secret'. I wouldn't tell that secret to anyone in the world. When it was time to say good-bye it was just as hard to say good-bye to him as my grandparents. And I think at that young age I view him just as equally as I did my grandparents.
When I first learned he was sick I was devastated. I remember hearing it as I was sitting on my bed, just staring at the wall. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. More importantly, I didn't want to believe it. In my mind this man was invincible. All I wanted to do was run next door and take care of him. Unfortunately, I was in another state. Whem my parents told me he passed away I was almost in shock. It didn't seem real. He was the first person I ever really knew to die. For some reason I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that one day he was here and the next he wasn't. I wanted to believe he was in a better place, but to me the best place would be Burnside Avenue where I could always come visit. I can honestly say he was one of the greatest man I have ever known. I mean he must have been something special to make such a strong impact on me at such a young age. I wouldn't trade those memories for the world!
As I read the blog about how my Gramma saw an angel through Mr. Lemay, I had no doubt in my mind it was true. Mr. Lemay was one of the most good-hearted men there has probably ever been. I think that angel was a sign that everything was going to be okay for him and I believe it was.
It's been about 12 years and I can remember everthing about him. Even how his house smelled. Those are things I never want to forget. I can only hope my kids meet someone half the man he was.
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